Laurie Bristow

Dr. Laurie Bristow (born 23 November 1963) is a British diplomat. He is the Consul General in Milan[1]

Laurie Bristow attended Trinity College, Cambridge where he obtained a BA in 1986. He achieved a PhD, awarded by University of Cambridge in 1990, with his thesis called "Ezra Pound: Poetry and Public Speaking. Bristow joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1990. In 1992, after attending a year of Romanian language training, he was posted to Bucharest, Romania where he worked for three years as Second Secretary. He then returned to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London where he worked in the European Union Department of the FCO. From 1996-1998, he served as Private Secretary to the Minister of State for Europe. After a year of Turkish language training, he worked in Ankara, Turkey as Head of the Political Section from 1999-2002. From 2002-2003 he worked in Rome at the NATO Defence College. In 2003 Bristow worked on the Iraq Policy Unit, FCO, before becoming the British Ambassador to Azerbaijan from February 2004 until 2007.


  1. ^ Jones, Naomi (2010-11). "Award winning country house restoration". Period Living. Ascent Publishing Limited. Archived from the original on 2010-12-22.